How Do I Know if Bankruptcy Is the Right Choice?
Bankruptcy gets rid of certain debts like credit card debt, unpaid medical bills, and overdue payday loans. For many people, bankruptcy makes sense as a way to start over with a clean financial slate. Yet every situation is unique. You should always explore your options by consulting with a bankruptcy attorney.
At the law firm of Patton & Dean, LLC, our experienced attorneys can provide individualized guidance to help you make informed decisions. You can turn to us with any bankruptcy-related questions.
What about Debt Settlement or Credit Consolidation?Debt settlement and credit consolidations are rarely permanent solutions. They may keep you trapped in debt that you could otherwise completely eliminate through bankruptcy. In fact, many people who pursue debt settlement or credit consolidation end up choosing bankruptcy anyway, resulting in wasted time and expense. Our lawyers can walk you through the benefits of bankruptcy in comparison to other debt relief options.
Will I Lose Everything in Bankruptcy?People often hesitate to consider bankruptcy because they fear they will lose everything. Fortunately, that is rarely the case. Federal and state laws protect you from having to give up everything you own. And, depending on which type of bankruptcy you choose, you can take a strategic approach toward protecting your assets.
Will Bankruptcy Ruin My Credit?Bankruptcy will not destroy your ability to ever take out credit, get a car loan, or own a home. In fact, most people see an improvement in their credit scores within a year or two after successfully completing bankruptcy. Our firm can walk you through any concerns you have about your credit. As part of our Complete Bankruptcy Solution, we will help you repair and rebuild your credit after bankruptcy — at no additional charge.
What Type of Bankruptcy Should I Pursue?There are two main types of consumer bankruptcy: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Deciding which type to pursue requires sorting through various considerations about your specific situation. Only certain people can qualify for Chapter 7, based on their assets and income. But neither type is “better” than the other; it all depends on your financial circumstances as well as your goals and priorities.
Why Hire an Attorney?
Bankruptcy is a complex, highly technical field. The federal Bankruptcy Code and the complicated procedural rules of bankruptcy court are not something the average person can wade through without legal training.
Simply looking up information on how to file for bankruptcy is not enough. Before pursuing bankruptcy, you should plan ahead and develop a strategic approach. Our legal team can help you take full advantage of your rights and protections.